Entries by Tricia


This week, a dear friend shared the story about how two separate conversations have shaped who she has become. Maybe even defined her as the woman she is today. I know her well and give thanks to the people who spoke those words to her. They helped create an inspiring human being. The catalyst in […]

A Beaver

Yes. I know it’s Wednesday. Believe me, I know. And instead of writing a blog for this week I spent my time writing a story about Vancouver. I found out about a brilliant writing contest, Pointgreynow put on by Ken Wyder. The idea caught my attention and in turn caught all my available time. You […]

Important Days

It’s on these big, important days when I miss the kids the most. When asked why it happens, I just shrug. But in the weeks leading up to this birthday every image seems to trigger a memory of what used to be. For twelve years we gathered for a group shot on my birthday. There […]

And you?

My first blog was posted on May 11, 2013 and it was all about intention. A great many things have happened since then. Many of those gems I’ve written about; many I’ve kept close to my chest. Many aren’t worth writing about; many will take years to reach a place where I can dismantle the […]

Get Mad, Get Better

My last few blogs have been serious and I was determined to have a lighthearted subject this week. Sure… Maybe it would help if I stopped listening to the radio. The last story in the newscast was about a child porn internet site being busted. Two of the sexually abused children are from BC. They […]

Father’s Day, Funerals and Festivals

A train of thought is a funny thing. I was thinking about my Dad on Father’s Day. He’s been gone for five years so the grief has faded and is probably replaced with nostalgia more than anything else. I remember the things he said, the way he was and the impact he had on my […]

Follow Me

You should follow me. And, no, I don’t mean on Twitter or Instagram, even though new followers do make me smile. No, you should follow me in-person during a normal, walking around day. I come across some very interesting people. I’m kinda lucky that way. Yesterday I was reminded of this when I booked my […]

It’s a crime…

Someone is bound to notice how tired I look today. Last night I did something I hadn’t done for years, and I blame it all on Kokanee Beer. I stayed up for hours reading the crime fiction novel, “Confined Space” by Deryn Collier. The evening began with whisky, not beer, and it was the story […]

Free advertising

How annoyed would you be if the Bay, or the Gap, or Target, sewed a tag onto the clothes you buy? A little ad saying where you bought this shirt or pair of pants. And what if the patch was front and center, visible to all. How would you like “bought at Target” written on […]

Help me help you

It was a delightful lunch with two friends. They had never met before but had heard of each other. A few too many beers were consumed and the conversation wandered to my book and the progress towards publication. “You’re going to take the stories about me out, aren’t you?” “Well no, they’re part of the […]