Have you ever been really scared and dialed 911 for help?
I’ve had to make that call a few times in my life. What does the person answering say, “Is this a police, ambulance or fire emergency?” All I remember is feeling relieved. Someone was asking how they can help. And even better, they were going to send what was needed.
Having made that call makes me biased towards the police. I look at them with wonder. What type of person are you that you could very well risk your life to save me? I cannot comprehend this.
I had to talk to an officer today about a traffic problem. He was clearly having a bad day and was pretty short with me. Well, not so much short, as annoyed. I was probably the twentieth person to ask for special permission to drive someplace that traffic was being diverted from. He let me through but with some attitude.
And I cut him a great deal of slack.
How many people hate him based on their preconceived thoughts about our police force? We hear horror stories all the time about how the police are handling things. Yes, there are some bad people out there. And some of those bad people wear police uniforms.
We humans are far from perfect.
And we humans like to make blanket statements. I hate blanket statements. And yes, I do realize I’ve just made a blanket statement.
Not all blondes are dumb. Not all teachers love kids. Not all Catholic priests are sick. Not all personal trainers are thin. Not all rich people are happy. Not all intelligent people are smart. Not all writers have something to say. Not all politicians are corrupt. All puppies and kittens are cute. This last one is a fact and not a statement.
I could go on and on but you get my point.
Then we hear another report on the news about a police officer shooting someone. This is horrendous on so many levels. But guess what? We cannot assume that while sitting at home watching TV, we have any idea what it was like out there on the street.
Funny thing… I get crapped on for saying I appreciate and like our police force. How sick and polarized have we become? The only way I could cause myself more grief would be to say I like Stephen Harper.
One day you may have to call 911. When that officer comes to your home ready to help, tell me you don’t think we are blessed to have these brave people step up to the job.
Bottom line…if you’re in trouble who are you going to call?
law enforcement is the most thankless job on earth! Damned if you do damned if you don’t. They have my utmost respect
I agree!!!!