On April 10, 2013 I wrote my first blog. It was all about Intent. I blabbed on about what the word meant to me and the people around me.
I also proclaimed it was my intent to write a blog every Wednesday.
One hundred and eighty-three blogs later I can safely say I did what I set out to do. I made sure at least once a week I wrote something for the public. Some weeks it was easy… some weeks the ideas wouldn’t come and I scrambled late into Wednesday evening trying to put some words together.
I’ve talked about everything!
And you’ve listened.
That alone is the reason I write. You will never know how grateful I am to you and the time you’ve invested here.
Now it is my intent to revise my book (again). On Monday, The Long Game got an insightful review from one of my favourite people at the Surrey International Writers’ Conference. The only way forward will be to invest my writing time into the revision.
And since it is my intention to get published I must move in that direction.
Or I could quit. (Which is still an option, but not this week.)
So my new intent will be to post a blog every second Wednesday.
I’m sure that the Wednesdays when I don’t post I’ll be in a corner wondering what to do with the ideas in my head.
This might seem like a holiday to my faithful beta readers that have been with me from the beginning. Gerry and Debbie have been amazing and their critique and cheers have humbled me. And Jim… well he found my grammar errors and would send a polite email to point out the mistake. He was always right.
It’s a hard decision to give this up. And before you say, “Hey, you’re still going to be blogging!” Yes, I know, but this weekly endeavour has kept me sane through some of my toughest days.
I’m not good with change.
So let’s start again.
It’s my intent to write a blog every second Wednesday.
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